NY State Human Rights Law Section 296 entitled “Unlawful Discriminatory Practices,” now requires housing providers to “disclose to all tenants and prospective tenants of their right to request reasonable modifications and accommodations if they have a disability. . . . ” (the “Notice”). Housing providers include those who have the “right to rent or lease” apartments. So, cooperatives have to comply and so do condo boards that own and rent units. If a coop tenant subleases or a condo tenant leases their unit, they also have to comply with the law and provide the Notice. The Notice must be delivered to all tenants and prospective tenants on or before April 2, 2021, or within 30 days of the tenancy beginning. This is going to be a headache for coop and condo boards. Stay tuned for more.
Here is a sample notice that the NYS Division of Human Rights crafted.